We Welcome New Members


We are a traditional, liturgical Lutheran Church.

Lutheran Beliefs

Learn more about our beliefs.


expand your faith on Sunday morning and beyond.

Meet Our Staff

We are disciples here to serve.


  • At Christ Lutheran, you can expect a traditional Lutheran service.

    What does this mean?  Lutheran services are liturgical.  They follow a set ritual centered around the sharing of the Word and Holy Eucharist.  Attendees participate in prayer and song. We are traditional in that we utilize hymnals and organ music.  Make sure you pick up a bulletin when you arrive, it will guide you through the service.

  • The sacrament of Holy Communion is a part of every Sunday worship service.  All baptized Christians are welcome to take the elements.  Most Sundays, attendees come to the altar and kneel or stand to receive the wine and wafer.  If you are not comfortable or able to partake, you are welcome to come forward for a blessing.  Just bow your head.  Some people choose to stay in the pew if they do not want to receive the elements and that is okay, too.

  • Some elements of the service are formal.  The pastor wears a chasuble.  The altar is decorated with paraments that reflect the colors of the church season.  Those that are able, kneel and stand at various points of the service.  However, that doesn't mean we are stuffy or that you are expected to dress formally to attend. We want everyone to be comfortable. Come as you are!

  • As said above, we are not stuffy.  In fact, we love having children at our services.  Ask an usher for a children's bulletin and activity bag if you are worried your child will get bored.  We do have a nursery room available if a child becomes inconsolable, but don't worry about fidgeting and whispering.  God put the wiggle in them so the last place we should suppress it is in God's house!  Remember, Jesus said "Let the children come."